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Everyone’s thought about it…staring out of the office window on a sunny day and looking out to the horizon (or as far as your eyes can take you), wondering what

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It’s inevitable, it will happen to us all, at some point we will age. But that doesn’t mean you need to trade in your explorative, adventurous lifestyle. Travel for 50+

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There may be 4 seasons of the year but it’s likely you’ll only have 1 as your favourite. Whether it’s the blossoms of spring or the ambers of autumn, there’s

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We all know about seasons by now, and that if you go out to work there you must be an absolute mountain pro. But what if you’ve never been on

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Digital Nomad

Smart phones are getting smarter. And you really can afford to leave everything else at home and just bring an

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When you’re away travelling, it’s easy to become a little self-involved with your fascinating bubble of adventure and discovery. But

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Travel apps are a must have to stay connected, keep on top of budgets and reserve that ever precious storage

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Here are 21 Travel Tips we at Backhackers believe will help you hack your way through your travels… 1. The

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