13 Reasons Why Travel Is The Best

Travelling is an amazing opportunity for those who are lucky enough to have it. It opens up so many doors both internally and externally. Here are 13 reasons why we at BackHackers, think travelling is the absolute best!

Meeting New People

You get to meet a lot of new people on your travels – locals, travel industry workers and fellow backpackers. It’s a great opportunity to learn from others & make new friends too!

Exploring New Places

This is the main reason why we travel: to see these exciting new places! When travelling you get to immerse yourself in a locations nature, culture and lifestyle.

To Give Back To Our Beautiful Planet

Travel is also a great way to make sure you’re giving back to our beautiful planet. Help look after it by travelling in sustainable eco-friendly ways or maybe even volunteer somewhere along your adventure!

Different Cultures & Ways Of Life

Indulging in others’ cultures is an amazing way to see how other people around the world live. You learn new ways of doing things: cooking, speaking, and daily life! I mean, who doesn’t love a siesta!

Learning New Languages

Whether it’s basic phrases or you’re full on fluent, being in a country that speaks a language different to yours truly makes you realise the importance of communication. Learning another language is an amazing skill that is best learnt immersed in the country of that language!

Trying Out Different Cuisine

Trying out different food is a great perk to travel! Finding out how others’ cook and trying out different flavours is absolutely fascinating! You may just change your taste buds…

Learning Others’ Histories

As part of understanding others cultures, you must also understand their history. Learning about another countries past is a good way to fully appreciate the country as it is now.

Making Memories

Travelling gives you the absolute best memories of your life! Take tons of photos and maybe even a keepsake or two…because we can guarantee you’ll miss your travel days when they’re gone.

Broadening Your Horizons & Keeping An Open Mind

Travelling through different places really helps you to appreciate that we all share the same world and it is all of our responsibility to look after. Travel teaches patience, acceptance, understanding and kindness to others as well as our planet.

Wonders Of The World

Whether these wonders are natural or man made, the world is certainly an extraordinary place. It deserves to be explored to the max!

Trying Something Out Of The Ordinary

Adventuring, exploring, trying new things and being in new places really keeps you on your feet. Your senses are heightened and your imagination is opened!

Helps You Deal With Future Situations

The lessons you learn while travelling definitely stay with you for the rest of your life. While travelling, you often are thinking on your feet, in a foreign land, with a different culture and things may not be as easy as they were back home. But all this builds character and lends itself to helping you out in times of future misfortune!

To Live Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

The adrenaline rush is a great factor of travel. Taking that leap and coming out stronger than ever before is definitely a gift from travelling. It helps teach adaptability and strength of character!

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