6 Ways to Boost Your Travel Savings

Although travel is all about experiencing new things and maybe even gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us, unfortunately it comes in exchange for money. Whilst the bulk of your savings for travel will come from your jobs’ income, there are other things you can do to help boost that money pot! Here are a few ideas…

1. Sell everything you own

Okay, so that’s an over exaggeration. Maybe just check for things you don’t need any more or items in your loft that have been long forgotten. Sites like Gumtree, Vinted, Depop, Ebay and many more can help you shift items. Either post items to buyers, or have them collected; whichever way, you can end up making quite the pretty penny on these sites. You just need to check the T&Cs of the sites you use to make sure you’re happy with the fees charged for their service.

2. Do jobs for people

Babysitting, painting & decorating, gardening or simply helping out around the house – people love giving jobs like these to those they already know. But if you don’t ask, you don’t get – you’ll need to put yourself out there. Once you’ve done one good job, word will spread and you’ll have people knocking at your door for all kinds of things!

3. Exchange your clothes for cash

If you’ve got clothes you don’t use anymore and can’t be bothered to sell them, simply take them down to somewhere like Cash for Clothes, who will pay you for each item you donate based on its weight. It won’t be a huge amount of money but it’s better than nothing and means you get a bit more space at home (ready to start that travel packing).

4. Sell your music

Sites such as Music Magpie or shops like CEX will happily buy old CDs and DVDs from you, provided they are in good condition. If you don’t want to take them down to a shop, simply put everything in a box and post if off free of charge. Once your items have been checked, the company will transfer you the funds via Paypal. Job done!

5. Sell crafts / baked goods

If you’re a keen crafts(wo)man or baker, have you considered advertising your services on sites like Etsy? People can ask you to create certain things to order, or you can simply sell set designs. What you charge is up to you, but if you’d be doing these things anyway you may as well be making some money from it!

6. Keep it thrifty

Every little helps – especially while saving for your travels! Try everyday cut downs to help keep your outgoings low. Consider vegetarian options while eating out (if you don’t already or are vegan), they are always so much cheaper. Or try just to have the one drink when you’re out.

If you’re after a particular item, look for it second hand first or try local charity shops. While food shopping, you should also look for the items that are going out of date (if planning on eating it relatively soon), the reductions will keep your wallet nice and full.

Hopefully you’ll have found these tips useful! If you can think of anything else, just let us know!

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