Borrow, Beg & Barter

Ok, so we hope you don’t actually have to beg your way through your travels. But most certainly do borrow, barter and just simply ask others to your inquisitive hearts content. You’d be surprised at how easily curiosity can lead to incredibly cheap or free items and experiences.

If you’re strapped for cash or just fancy taking your chances, ask the people you meet on your travels. The generosity of friends, locals, hostel managers etc. never ceases to amaze and who knows what you may stumble upon. Your travel mantra should be – You don’t ask, you don’t get!There’s no harm in asking, the worst you’ll get is a no. For some of us, asking for freebies or bartering with a shop keeper may feel a bit cheeky. But for others, it’s the complete norm and remember, someone would rather still make a sale at a lower margin than no sale at all.


Whether it’s a spare sofa, bed or even a campervan to borrow, a free bed is a free bed. Asking around or perhaps just subtly dropping it into conversation that you’re after a room for the night before booking somewhere could potentially save you a lot of cash when traveling over an extended period of time.

Lots of people are happy to have you in their home for the night ( has a fantastic community around the globe). Be respectful of their privacy and leave the place how you found it though, we don’t want to tread on anyone’s toes here!


Do you have something in your bag that another person could get more use out of than you? Why not see if someone fancies a trade. Maybe you recently bought something that was buy one get one free. Amazing, you have a free item worthy of a trade with someone else. No loss to you. Or perhaps you are moving on to somewhere with a different climate and that rain mac you bought probably won’t serve a purpose in the new location. 

There will be times when whatever you have in your rucksack will be very valuable to you and for some reason it now isn’t. Imagine you’re coming towards the last few weeks of your travels and you have some left over sun cream, spare boot laces, even a hammock that you won’t use back home. It may sounds silly but these items are no longer of high value to you. Someone else could potentially be very interested in a trade with you and save you money in your last few days of your trip.


Want to hit the surf but don’t have a board? Maybe your hostel owner has one tucked away round the back. Perhaps they know someone who will lend you an old one they don’t use anymore. Maybe they’ll even give you a board for free because they have a huge stack of wave riders. 

Either way, you won’t know until you ask.

Asking around other travellers or friends for even the smallest things such as batteries, tape or spare shoelaces all adds up. It’s not just about getting something for free, it could be an ice breaker in a hostel room full of new people. Maybe you overhear that someone else is in need of something you have spare of also? What a great way to make friends! Remember to be respectful that they have entrusted you with their own possessions and find a small way to thank them for the time and money they have saved you.


Hitchhiking is a fantastic way to get around and get out of the sun! Most people will be very forgiving if you’re on a long walk in the hot sun, especially if you’ve forgotten your hat and water! Alternatively, try asking someone you know to rent their scooter or bike before talking to a rental company. Chances are it will be cheaper and sometimes, if it’s just a short trip to the shops for a top up of beer, they may even just throw you the keys! 

What do you have to offer?

Do you know any mechanics or seen someone struggling to change a tyre? Offering your own services in return for something is a great way to earn rewards and feel good about helping others. Has someone offered you a bed for the night? This is always a good chance to show off your culinary skills and cook for the house that evening. If they don’t trust you in the kitchen just yet, maybe just buy a bottle of wine before they let you loose. That’s still cheaper than a hostel or Air Bnb. 


Now this could simply be asking to tag along with others on a day out to the beach or maybe someone has a spare ticket for a gig that night. Just talking with others can lead to a whole host of amazing adventures that you didn’t plan for or consider doing yourself. And equally if you have a spare seat or ticket, offer it out to others as you never know what you’ll get in return! 


The key to bartering in many foreign markets and shops is starting a lot lower than you intend to buy the item or service for. Also, have an idea of the amount you would be happy to pay in the first place. The same goes for the seller, they already know what they’ll be happy to lower the cost to, therefore they will also start a lot higher. You are both playing the same game, the key is finding the right middle ground that suits you both. 

Lastly, if it’s really not working you can always walk away and come back later. The seller may be more tempted to agree to the cost having not made a sale to you previously. If it’s later in the day they may have made more sales already so yours won’t seem as unappealing as before. Remember, you are the one buying here, you have the power to walk away altogether so don’t be cornered into a pressure buy that you’ll later regret.


Always be certain of the choices you are making. Let others know where you are traveling to and how. Or where you’re staying for the night with a new friend for example. WhatsApp’s a great way to quickly share your precise location with others. If you have a bad feeling about something or someone and your gut is telling you no, it’s normally right. Always feel free to say no and walk away from any situation or offer.  

Travel safe!

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