9 Reasons to Switch From Skis to Board

If you’ve ever been to a ski resort, you may have noticed that there are a lot more skiers than snowboarders out there. But times are changing and the number of boarders on the mountains are growing fast. And there is no time like the present to try something new. If you’re new to snow sports or already a skier, here’s a few reasons why you should definitely try out boarding!

1. Board boots are a lot comfier than ski boots. Plus if you want to avoid the tortured ski-strut this is the way to go!

2. You’ll have much less to carry. Forget about balancing your skis on your shoulder while trying not to stab anyone in the eye with your poles! With a board you’ll always have one hand free (can come in useful for swigging that one last drink as you leave Après…)

3. And that’s another thing… less things to lose at Après. Always a plus!

4. If you’re already a skier, chances are you’ll know the ins and outs of any alpine ski area. But if you switch to boarding, you’ll get to see the resort in a whole new light! Lifts become scarier and slopes steeper. It’s like learning from scratch all over again. This may sound scary but you’ll feel such a sense of achievement once you embrace the challenge!

5. We’re not sure if this is scientifically accurate, but it feels like you use more muscles while boarding. It is definitely more of a workout as a beginner from the amount of time you spend getting back up on your feet. A great way to work on those winter abs!

6. Boarding is much more playful than skiing. Not only with your board but also your body and the things you can both do together! You’ll find you’re much more aware of your body and stance on a board.

7. This may sound a bit on the Pocahontas side of things, but you are definitely more in touch with the mountain on a board. Skimming down the slopes, it feels as though you are surfing the waves of the moguls as your hand glides behind you, brushing the powder. You’ll find boarding is a much more flowing experience than skiing, which a lot of the time can feel very rigid, especially as a beginner.

8. The gear is much cooler. It might be biased but it’s definitely true.

9. And finally, just to try something new! It’s great to embrace adventures and learn new things! So if you’re out on the slopes, why not give boarding a go? Who knows where it could take you (apart from of course down to the Après bar!)

Our tip to any adventure embracers: although it may seem weird having both feet strapped down (especially if you’re used to skiing) persevere! And don’t forget the saying… “skiing is easier to learn, harder to master & snowboarding is harder to learn but easier to master”. So don’t give up, once you’ve got the basics down you’ll be whizzing around the resort like a pro!

Disclaimer: Of course, we also recognise skiing as a pretty rad sport and we mean no offence by the above post! We simply want to encourage snow sporting enthusiasts to try something new!

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