How To Start Your Travels

It’s not hard to have the dream, but it is a very different matter actually executing it. Here are some friendly tips and advice on a few things to consider to help get you started on your travels.

Places To Go

First of all, you will need to consider how doable your destinations are. This encompasses what kind of seasons that country has and whether or not there might be any extreme weather you should avoid. You should also look into whether the flight prices change seasonally, as it may be cheaper to fly at different times of the year.

Skyscanner will enable you to view prices of flights months at a time, so just take a quick look at that to make sure you’re getting the most out of your money.

Although you might not want to plan every aspect of your journey, it may be a good idea to think up a rough travel route. That way you can find the most logical route for you, and again, the most cost effective.

Within different countries you should also consider whether there has been any recent conflicts or areas you may need to prepare yourself for in different ways (e.g. visas or jabs).


Once your destinations are all in check, you can look into your budget. Consider how long you are planning to travel for – no one should be phoning home for supplementary cash or cutting their travels short due to bad planning and over spending.

Look into what you will need and whether you’re planning on visiting places that are more expensive than others. Work out how much spending money you want and what kind of accommodation you are planning to use.

While saving, also consider various ways of how to scrimp (why not check out our other article about Boosting your Travel Savings), it’s surprisingly easy to say no to unnecessary costs when you have future travel to look forward to.

Remember as well that your budget goal may seem unachievable at times but you might discover that you have an undying determination when it comes to saving and as you watch the money stack higher and higher, it almost becomes a game you just don’t want to lose at.

Things To Do In Preparation

Look into injections and jabs way ahead of your departure date, this allows for any waiting list time and follow up jabs you may need. Consider any long term medication you may need and make sure you stock up. Update everything i.e. passports, driving license, bank cards, EHIC etc. to ensure nothing expires while you are away.

Make sure all direct debits, accounts and bills are in order before you go to avoid nasty surprises while travelling. Look into getting a credit card if you don’t already have one in your possession.

They are super handy to have while travelling, not only as a backup, but also because a lot of places won’t accept debit cards for deposits on items such as rental cars. Rather importantly, don’t get caught out by visas. Make sure you’ve left enough time to apply (and possibly be rejected and reapply) to ensure this doesn’t hold up your adventure.

You will also need to ensure any tenancies are closed off and all paperwork and payments have been or will be finalised ahead of your leaving date. This is the same for any vehicle you may own and make sure it’s stored or sold along with the relevant paperwork etc.

These are all things that should be considered in order to help shape your travel plan. You may find that the original plan you come up with isn’t the one you pursue, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

The world is always changing, and who knows what could happen in the build up to an adventure. Don’t sweat it if you have to change a few things around, it may be for the better.

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