The Truth of Travel

“Always Remember: Travelling can be whatever you want it to be!” – BackHackers

Travelling is plastered everywhere these days: on posters, social media and product placement. But don’t let other peoples’ perception of travel outline your adventure. And always remember, you’re travelling for you. Here are some home truths about travel that we hope don’t hinder your adventure…

Have a break…have a rest day

Don’t be ashamed to take a rest day. Your Instagram feed doesn’t have to bombard people with sunkissed travel images absolutely every day. While travelling, your body and mind are going to be pushed to their limits and therefore you will need to rest them at some point. You might find you become much more active than normal, you’ll tone up and maybe you’ll even grow some of those long wished for abs.

Let alone the physical side, you might find you become drained from constantly being in a place unknown. So don’t worry if you feel like you need a break – take one! Take a week off if you like…either way just make sure you’re living a maintainable and sustainable lifestyle. Rest and recuperation are needed!

No pressure

Travel should definitely not be about pressure so don’t stress yourself out. Whether it’s stress over future travel days or plans, how sustainable your travel days are or even if your adventure isn’t working out how you expected. It’s an easy downfall to compare yourself to others, but don’t let others’ experiences shape your own. Make sure not to waste an opportunity to fully take in a destination by becoming paranoid with trying to enjoy it more or as much as someone else – someone’s opinion may not always match your own.
Also keep in mind that blogs can mislead, a place might not be as amazing as it looked in a photo. So don’t be disheartened if you find yourself being slightly disappointed – and try to find beauty in all places.

Stay Happy!

All we want you to do is enjoy your travels and stay happy! If you have any worries about going away, or if you’re already on your travels and you would like to talk about anything mentioned in this article, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us!
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