5 Reasons to Microblade Your Brows for Travel

This article won’t apply to everyone, but if your eyebrows are more faint than fantastic, you might want to consider the below. Here are 5 reasons to microblade your brows before you travel…

Smudge Free

Let’s not forget that make up also takes up precious space in your luggage. Microblading takes up none! That means you have more space and also don’t run the risk of ending up with melted, damaged or lost make up.Make up, no matter its claims, isn’t usually indestructible when faced with the elements. Mircoblading allows you to face the day with a full brow that no water can smudge away! Which means no more embarrassing moments looking more panda than perfect.

Long Term

Let’s not forget that make up also takes up precious space in your luggage. Microblading takes up none! That means you have more space and also don’t run the risk of ending up with melted, damaged or lost make up.Mircrobladed brows last from between 6 months to 18 months – that’s a lot of travel time where you can ‘brow’se around, worry free and feeling brilliant!


Let’s not forget that make up also takes up precious space in your luggage. Microblading takes up none! That means you have more space and also don’t run the risk of ending up with melted, damaged or lost make up.If you were going to purchase make up anyway, then this method will actually save you money! Despite the one off fee, microblading actually comes out cheaper than frequently buying temporary make up products. Which means more money going into your travel savings!


Let’s not forget that make up also takes up precious space in your luggage. Microblading takes up none! That means you have more space and also don’t run the risk of ending up with melted, damaged or lost make up.Some sites even promote microblading for those with active lifestyles. It’s another thing off your mind, making more room for you to fully immerse yourself in your travel adventure.

Space Saving

Let’s not forget that make up also takes up precious space in your luggage. Microblading takes up none! That means you have more space and also don’t run the risk of ending up with melted, damaged or lost make up.Let’s not forget that make up also takes up precious space in your luggage. Microblading takes up none! That means you have more space and also don’t run the risk of ending up with melted, damaged or lost make up.

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