Keep In Touch!

When you’re away travelling, it’s easy to become a little self-involved with your fascinating bubble of adventure and discovery. But it IS important to keep in touch with those back home. You never know when you might need each other…

Here are BackHackers’ top tips on how to make sure no bridges are burnt…

Time Goes By Differently When You’re Away

It’s strange to think, but when you’re travelling, time goes by in a totally different way to how it did before, back home. Try to remember that time hasn’t changed for your loved ones. For example, a day of adventure to you is a number of hours for them spent waiting for you to check in and let them know you’re okay. Don’t let them worry, and be considerate to check in. Great ways to do this are by…

Creating WhatsApp Groups

So you can update everyone all at once. You also can create a mini community of people who share an interest in you and your travels. Bringing people together is what it’s all about.

Updating Facebook

Check into locations once you reach them so your friends know where you are. Facebook is also a great resource to use if, god forbid, an emergency situation occurs. For example, in events such as the London or Paris attacks, users were able to ‘check in’ that they were safe – an instant relief for all who knew them in situations where they may not be contactable directly.


These are free apps to download which allow you to send postcards, occasion cards and various other items. You can top up your account with ‘credits’ and use them to buy different items or just pay via card/PayPal.

You also have the opportunity to fill in a calendar whereby the app will notify you when a birthday is coming up. It’s difficult to keep track of time while you’re away so these apps are super helpful in making sure you don’t upset anyone by forgetting their special day. You can also personalise the cards and even the stamps that appear in the top corner!


Checking in isn’t just for airports while you’re away – it’s important to stay in touch. If you think there’s anything missing from our list, or if you keep in touch via another method, let us know! The main thing is to STAY IN TOUCH!

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