8 Sensations of South America

South America is a totally unique continent that encompasses an absolutely massive range of diverse landscapes, natural beauty, wildlife, scenery and people. There are so many amazing things to cram into your travel list, it’s hard to know where to start! Here are BackHackers’ Top 8 Sensations of South America that may not necessarily be on your list…but definitely should be!

Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

The Ciudad del Este can be found on the Paraná River in Paraguay. Head to The Friendship Bridge, which links the town to Brazil, for some breathtaking views. Alternatively, make your way to The Triple Frontier for picture-perfect sights of Argentina and Brazil. If the heat is getting to you, we strongly recommend heading to the Salto del Monday waterfall which is an access point to one of the wonders of the world: Iguaçu Falls – an absolute must visit! Make sure to also stop off at the mouth of the Iguazú river where you’ll be able to see the borders of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil meet.

Lago Grey, Patagonia, Chile

Grey Lake can be found within Torres del Paine National Park. Head here for boating on the glacial lake as you float between the icebergs, while the mountains loom overhead.

Itatiaia National Park, Brazil

Itatiaia National Park is located in Brazil’s Mantiqueira Mountains. Hike through the trails that slip through Atlantic forest (try to spot a rare muriqui monkey). Also make sure to check out the Bridal Veil waterfall and the Last Goodbye Overlook for amazing views of the valley.

Desierto de la Tatacoa, Villavieja, Huila, Colombia

This desert is the second largest in Colombia and can be found in Huila, 38 km from the city of Neiva. Head here to grab yourself a fossil and check out the alien-like rock formations.

San Pedro Atacama, Chile

The town of San Pedro de Atacama can be found on a high plateau in the Andes. Surrounding the town are vast deserts, salt flats, geysers, volcanoes and hot springs. Nearby, you’ll find The Valle de la Luna (within Los Flamencos National Reserve) where you may feel like you’ve accidentally taken a trip to Mars. Head here for strange rock formations and wildly-pink-streaked mountains.

Cayo Cangrejo, Colombia

Crab Cay or Cayo Cangrejo is an island located within the Old Providence McBean Lagoon National Natural Park. Head here for your very own deserted island with some absolutely world-class snorkelling!

Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Head to the famous beach of Ipanema within Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro. Make sure to check out the rocky Pedra do Arpoador peninsula for some great surfing, beautiful walking trails and awesome sunset views.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu can be found nestled within the Andes mountains, looming over the Urubamba River valley. Mystery surrounds its former use, which dates back to construction in the 15th century. Head here for stunning views of craftsmanship and architecture as well as awesome panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

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