A Copenhagen Crush

Copenhagen is Denmark’s capital and sits on the islands of Zealand and Amager. With its coastal vibes, rich culture, history and plenty of sights to see, there are more than enough reasons to put this city on your bucket list.

From the 19th Century amusement park, Tivoli Gardens, to the bright colours of the Nyhavn canal and harbour; or The Little Mermaid bronze sculpture, to Amalienborg (The Queen’s Winter Residence), there are many things to keep you captivated throughout your stay.

No wonder the Danes are voted the happiest people in the world with such a rich and vibrant capital city!

What To Eat

Branch out and order a Danish speciality of pickled or smoked fish to eat by the waterside.

What To Drink

Sipple on a tipple of spiced winter beer, Yulebry. Or sample any of the other Danish beers which range from Golden Wheats (sweet and light) to Schwartz Bier (dark and rich) – there’s plenty to choose from!

In A Nutshell

Copenhagen is a cute little harbour city that will give you total relief from high rise buildings. Although not lacking in slick design, its approachable and inviting vibes will make you feel at home and able to explore straight away.

Don’t Miss

1. Tivoli Gardens – especially its Christmas markets! It’s an amazing place, with antique roller-coasters and a multitude of quintessential stalls. At Christmas, it’s home to markets stocked full with gifts, decorations, hot drinks, snacks and goodies set against a Scandinavian winter wonderland.
2. Getting in a water taxi along the Nyhavn canal – admire the colourful rainbow of buildings as you whizz down this strip of Copenhagen magic.
3. Exploring the city by foot or bike – that way you get to explore all its intriguing cobbled alleyways.
4. Freetown Christiana – an international community with street art in abundance. There’s no place on Earth quite like it.
There are plenty of other sights to see too – Copenhagen is home to a horde of museums, galleries and architectural sights to admire! Let us know if you think we’ve missed anything! And if Copenhagen is already on your list, don’t forget to visit some of these amazing places!
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