Best Mountains To Climb: Easy vs Hard

Hiking the mountains is a great way to immerse yourself in the natural landscape whilst pushing yourself to the limit! Some mountains are easier to climb than others…for many different reasons, and it’s not always about the length of the hike. Here are some of BackHackers’ favourite mountains to hike: Easy vs. Hard…

Easy Climbs

Pikes Peak, United States

Pikes Peak can be found in the Rocky Mountains of North America and is the highest summit of the southern Front Range, standing at an elevation of 4302 m. The average hiking time for this peak is between 6 to 10 hours – although this can be split across a day or two should you wish to camp at the areas camping facilities. Barr Camp sits 6.5 miles from the trail and provides the perfect break area, with toilets, picnic tables and indoor seating areas.

Mount Fuji, Japan

Mount Fuji is an active volcano located approximately 100 km from Tokyo. This is country’s tallest mountain, standing at 3776 m – and is also considered one of the most sacred! The hike takes roughly 5 to 7 hours if taking the Yoshida Trail, followed by another 4 hours to descend.

Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano that can be found in Tanzania. It’s famous for its three volcanic cones: Kibo, Shira and Mawenzi. Depending on what trail you take (as they differ in length), the hike lasts between 5 to 9 days for an average walker. There are 4 main routes: Machame, Rongai, Umbwe and Marangu.

Harder Climbs

Matterhorn, Switzerland

This glorious mountain can be found in the Alps, Switzerland. It towers above the ski resort of Zermatt at a whopping 4478 m. Although the trail only takes around 2 hours to reach Trockener Steg cable car station, it is pretty intense. But the views are other worldly and totally worth the climb.

Annapurna, Nepal

The massif of Annapurna can be found in the Himalayas, Nepal and includes peaks that reach up to 8000 m. The Annapurna Circut is a great trail to take to experience the best of this area. It’s total length is between 160 and 230 km which takes around 14 to 18 days to complete.

Nanga Parbat, Pakistan

Nanga Parbat (also referred to as Diamer) can be found in Pakistan and is actually the 9th highest mountain in the world (standing at a huge 8126 m). The Nanaga Parbat base camp trek involves hiking to super high altitude – where you will be above 4000 m for 1 to 2 days! It is infamously difficult to climb, so the best of luck if you’re attempting this one.

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