6 Signs You Should be Travelling

Sometimes, it’s just not enough setting your desktop background as your favourite tropical destination. Sometimes, the only thing that will satisfy your urge will be to travel to that place. Travelling means different things to different people, and perhaps you never considered that you were a travelling type. But have you ever felt like something has been missing from your life? Here are 6 signs that you should drop what you’re doing and go exploring…

1. You’re not sure what you want to do with your life

Travel is a great way to find inspiration if you feel a little confused about your place in the universe. It will reconfirm your feelings for things and/or help you to discover something new! You may find your dream job abroad or through travel, or maybe you might just realise that you’re happy in a career at home.

2. You find yourself staring out of the window

Although you may not class yourself as an outdoorsy kind of person, it may just be down to your local climate. Who knows, if you venture to the right location you might find that you love the outdoors and never want to be enclosed in an inside space again!

3. You’ve never been travelling before

Even if you don’t end up doing it for long, it’s better to try it than to regret NOT trying it. As Terry Prachett once said ‘Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving’.

4. Your holidays never seem long enough

If you get the feeling at the end of your holiday that you could just live in that place, happily exploring forever. Lots of people often feel relief returning home after a break away – for some people it’s enough. For others, the adventure never ends.

5. If you feel lost

Sometimes it can be because of a painful event, sometimes you thought you were on track but weren’t and other times you just feel like nothing is really waking you up in the morning. Travel can soothe the soul, help you see things from others’ perspectives and make you realise things about your situation and lifestyle that you may have been blind to previously.

6. You’ve got all the gear but no idea

Lots of people are guilty of this. Camping once and getting all the gear and beyond for a weekend that was spent in a hotel because it rained too hard to stay in the tent. If you’ve got the equipment, why not use it for its rightful purpose? It would almost be rude not to…

Even if you’ve just read this article, surely it means you’re looking for an excuse to travel. Well, here’s the secret – you don’t need one! You just need to get out there and do it.

Good luck!

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