5 Beauties of Belize

Nestled neatly between Mexico and Guatemala, Belize is home to a rich amount of beauty to discover. The country itself is vast, containing landscapes ranging from dense rainforests and jungles to isolated mountains and caves. Out to sea, cayes (small sandy islands) are dotted around, sitting next to a 184-mile barrier reef which boasts a world-class diving and snorkelling area in its crystal clear waters and hosts a rich amount of marine life.

Here are 5 Beauties of Belize…

1. Scuba Diving in the Northern Cayes

There are 212 square miles of cayes off the coast of Belize. That’s a lot of exploring to do. It’s an especially popular destination in August and between December and May so chose your time wisely depending on whether or not you’re happy to share this paradise with others. Spend your days exploring the small low islands of coral, sand and rock below water, or lounge above water under the shade of the palm trees on a lazy hammock. If you’re looking for luxury, we recommend Ambergris Caye, which is the largest and most populated island. Head to Caye Caulker if you’re slightly more budget conscious but still want to indulge in the beauty of the place. And if you’re a determined diver, we suggest exploring the Turneffe Islands.

2. The Black Hole Drop

If you google it, your results will come up with ‘Mother of All Caves’, which is quite the statement. But we’ll let you decide what you think of this unique cave adventure. The tour begins with a hike up the Maya Mountains to the mouth of the cave. The Black Hole refers to the Actun Lock Tunich sink hole which sits over 300 feet above the basin and 200 feet above the rainforest canopy that grows below. Once at the mouth, you descend on a rig system to the basin below. The last 100 foot of the drop will immerse you in the rainforest canopy so you are literally falling from the sky. Following your descent, you can enjoy your picnic lunch before hiking back out (yes you read that correctly). Once you’ve sweated out the equivalent of an ocean, you’re taken back to the lodge where you can sizzle into the pool and enjoy an ice cold beverage.

3. Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave

Also known as ‘The Cave of the Stone Sepulchre’. It’s an hours’ drive from San Ignacio to the Tapir Mountain Nature Reserve. Once there, embark on a 45 minute hike through thick jungle followed by 3 and a half hours of caving adventuring. Many refer to it as a living museum, filled with the most beautiful rock formations and eerie skeleton remains which are made even more creepy as you watch the silhouettes of the resident fish swim around them. The cave is 5km deep, although visitors may only explore 3.5km of it. Make sure this is on your list for top thrills!

4. The Hidden Ruins of Caracol

24 miles south-west of Augustine, is a rediscovered Maya City and National Monument Reservation. Dating back to around 300BC, here you can discover The Sky Palace (Caana) pyramid which towers 138ft above you. Being the largest known Maya Ruins in Belize, this is a simply must-explore site.

5. Wildlife Sanctuaries: Crooked Tree & Cockscomb Basin

If you’re into sanctuaries, these two are absolute musts! Crooked Tree is located 33 miles from Belize City and Cockscomb Basin is 7 miles West of Maya Centre. At Crooked Tree, you’ll find internationally protected wetlands which are home to a range of bird life. If you visit from October to May, you’ll see the best of it and may even get the chance to spot a jabiru stork (the biggest flying bird in the Western Hemisphere). Apart from birds, you might encounter howler monkeys (although you’re more likely to hear them than see them), as well as crocodiles, turtles and iguanas. At Cockscomb, which is sponsored by the Belizean Government, you’ll find the reserve created purely to protect the country’s jaguars and their relatives: the puma, ocelot and margay. But don’t just go for the animals, enjoy adventuring the jungle and showering under waterfalls, tubing down the river or exploring the 18 miles of trails.

Belize has so much to offer, and so many amazing places to explore – the list above simply doesn’t do it justice! If you’re headed that way, make sure to do your research so you don’t miss a thing! It’s full of surprises and jaw dropping natural beauty around every corner.

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