11 Things You Might Not Consider Packing… But Should

In this article, we have compiled a list of items you should definitely consider packing for your travels. Some of the items you may have already thought of, but not necessarily for the reasons listed below…

1. A clothes line

And by clothes line we mean a very plain and simple piece of string. Any kind will do so long as it’s not elasticated. It is a very adaptable item which takes up virtually no space in your bag (and often can be attached to the outside if you really have no space); being used for not only your washing but also coming in handy for attaching things to your bag, holding things together or maybe stepping in when a shoelace snaps. Whichever it is, this little baby should definitely make it onto your packing list.

2. Sellotape / Duct Tape

Apart from the obvious quality of tape, which is to fix broken things like bags, bottles or any manner of items that have ripped; it can also be a way of bringing a little bit of home with you on your travels. Whether working abroad or moving around, wherever you stay you might want to create a little sense of the familiar. Taking some tape with you is great for putting up photos of home and loved ones, or little souvenirs from your journey. It seems silly to say but it’s a much nicer thing coming back to a ‘home’ as opposed to just a room you’re temporarily renting.

3. Sewing Kit

This is an absolute must and needs to consist of no more than 2-3 needles ranging in thickness, white/light string and black/dark string. With this you’ll be able to fix up holes in clothes, rips in bags or shoes at your convenience. Instead of throwing items out, simply fix and wear again!

4. Medication

Sometimes people might not consider themselves as taking medication regularly. However, while you travel your body will be going through many different changes – physically and in terms of what you’re putting inside it. Maybe think about taking some cranberry tablets if you are prone to UTIs or kidney infections – this will help you ward off an oncoming infection; or maybe some iron tablets to ensure you don’t become run down on your travels. Although it’s extra packing space, some little pick-me-ups can be very useful while in new environments.

5. Speaker

This probably is obvious to a lot of people. But we thought we’d include this anyway. There’s nothing that quite settles you in to a new place like hearing familiar sounds – and that includes music. Even on days when you’re not exploring, it’s a great comfort to kick back and listen to some tunes just to chill your exhaustedly travelled mind.

6. Sunglasses

Of course, this is a must. But make sure you’re taking durable ones – and preferably polarised! Don’t waste money on cheaper products as you’ll only end up breaking them and buying again. Plus, if you invest in something slightly more expensive you are more likely to take better care of them and therefore avoid the breakages all together! This item will help your eyes stay protected from the sun, keep you looking swish, help disguise those hung over baggy eyes and also, of course, allow you to people watch stare-free!

7. Notebook

We know, we know, most things are done on phones these days and diaries can quite easily be kept on a blog. But there’s nothing quite like penning down your thoughts, especially in a no wifi zone. You may find that while travelling you embrace your creative side a lot more – you may want to doodle something down, scribe some lyrics for a song, a poem maybe or simply play hangman on the plane. Having a notebook is great just to scribble things down in and you’ll be super sorry if you don’t have one to hand in a time of need.

8. Hairpins & Hairbands

Great for their obvious uses but also fantastic for keeping food secure. If you’re travelling from place to place and are taking some food items with you, the worst thing to happen on a travel day is an explosion of some kind of food product in your bag. Avoid all this by using either a hairpin or hairband. Hairpins also have loads of other uses, such as helping you out when a zip breaks or making sure you can get the absolute most out of your tube of toothpaste (see our article about hairpins!

9. Spare Piercings

If you don’t have any, maybe don’t worry about this one. Earrings are the obvious things to take with you but if you have piercings such as nose or tongue, losing the studs can be a pain. Especially when travelling, as you may not be able to replace them immediately and they can be expensive or not quite the type you need. Take some spares with you just in case you lose any. Saves you heaps of hassle and means you won’t have to worry about re-piercing if you can’t get a replacement in time!

10. Sudocrem

Or other creams of course – but make sure it’s adaptable. Sudocrem can be used as an antiseptic, can be applied to burns, rashes or just your everyday zit. Make sure this is on your packing list to cover all bases. You can even use it on sunburn!

11. First Aid Kit

Some people will think that they won’t need this item, but it can be handy for all kinds of reasons and not just in an emergency. You might find it useful even if you just need a sanitary wipe, need to affix something with the safety pin or just to cover a blister with a plaster. From minor to slightly more major, first aid kits will always get opened for something while you’re travelling!

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