Christmas Away From Home

Christmas time, for many, is family time. Where all your extended roots and distant relatives get together to celebrate the festive time of year. To some, it is a big deal and a family tradition to be home with loved ones on 25th December…so what happens when you’re off on your travels when Christmas comes around? Here are 7 ways to combat the blues if you’re away from home over the holidays…

Take Christmas Cards / letters from loved ones away with you

Perhaps your family have given you things to take with you on your travels, like a card or letter with well wishes or maybe even a little trinket. Perhaps you took a gorgeous photo of you all together before you left – why not get it printed so you have something physical to look at and hold onto if you’re feeling glum.

Video call your family

This is a great way to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the gossip! Maybe ask your family to set their screen up so you can overlook the dinner table – or perhaps you prefer to be passed around to each person. Either way video calling ensures you get to see all the familiar faces and makes you feel just that little bit closer to them.

In-keep with Tradition

Maybe you always make a delicious family recipe mulled wine, or always whip up a perfectly baked batch of Christmas cookies. Whatever it is, if you normally do it, and are in a situation where you are able to replicate it, then why not carry on the tradition on your travels. Upholding a usual behaviour at Christmas will make the situation feel more normal for you and will make you feel that little bit more jolly.

Christmas Themed Items

If possible, and dependant on when your travels begin, why not take a small Christmas item with you. Whether it’s a Christmas cracker or maybe a small decoration. Alternatively see if you can purchase a little something to make yourself feel at home from your temporary Christmas destination. If you’re able to decorate your lodgings, even just a little, it will make the whole place feel festive – and probably put you in a better mood too!

Be with others in same situation

Wherever you are, whether travelling or working a season, you will be around someone who is in the same situation. Why not adopt a Christmas family of friends who are also feeling distant from their Christmas-norms.

Send gifts to your family

Again, dependent on when you leave, perhaps arrange for gifts to be sent to your family. This can be done ahead of your travel date, during (through sites like Moonpig) or, if possible, you could send them items from your destination abroad. Either way, sending a gift to loved ones will make you feel festive!

Embrace the novelty of being elsewhere on Christmas

If you are feeling down about being away from home, look on the bright side – appreciate how lucky it is that you are even in a position to be able to travel and have all these amazing experiences. Why not do something totally different to your Christmas norm and embrace the novelty of celebrating the day in a new way. Whether it’s embracing the seemingly strange local Christmas tradition or indulging in an unfamiliar Christmas cuisine, enjoy the day wherever you are. And think of the stories you will be able to tell your family at the next Christmas you celebrate at home.

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