Great Stuff In Guatemala

Guatemala is located in Central America, just beneath Mexico. It is a gorgeous country filled with rain forests, ancient sites, volcanoes and cute little villages. Here is BackHackers’ top picks, which give you just a taste of all the great stuff packed into Guatemala…

Lake Atitlán

This body of water sits in an absolutely huge volcanic crater based in the southwestern highlands. Surrounding the lake are stunning hills and pointed volcanoes, known for their Mayan villages. Head here for absolutely gorgeous views and the surrounding nature reserve, where you’ll find plenty of trails and an amazing butterfly garden.


Panajachel sits on the north shore of Lake Atitlán. From here you can look out to the looming volcanoes of Tolimán and Atitlán. Panajachel is a busy little town that offers plenty of cafes, bars and stalls selling handicrafts along the main road. Once you’re refreshed, why not catch a boat ride to visit the neighbouring Mayan villages?

Templo II, Tikal

The Tikal Temple II can be found at the archaeological site of Tikal in the Petén Department of northern Guatemala. Climb to the top of the temple for stunning views of the surrounding area.


This active volcano rises to an elevation of 2552 m and sits just outside Guatemala City. Pacaya is one of the country’s most active volcanoes, with its last eruption occurring in June 2015. Volcano hiking is a pretty popular tourist activity in Guatemala – and it’s easy to see why with views like this! If that sounds like your thing, then the best time to hike is November, just at the start of Guatemala’s dry season.

Semuc Champey, Cobán

Semuc Champey is an absolutely fantastic place for cave swimming and exploring. It can be found in the department of Alta Verapaz and is made up of a natural 300 m limestone bridge which passes over the Cahabón River. Dip in the stepped turquoise pools for a swimming experience to remember!

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