Hike To The Top To Make Your Jaw Drop

Whenever you find yourself in a new place, it’s always great to get your bearings as soon as possible. A great way to do this is by finding the highest point and climbing to the top of it. Here’s a few reasons why hiking to the highest point always pays off…

You Get A Great View

The first thing that will hit you once you get to the top (other than the overwhelming need for some tasty thirst quenching refreshment) is the view. Unless the clouds have decided to join you, you’ll be looking out across miles of terrain below! Aim to reach the peak at either sunset or sunrise for absolutely jaw dropping scenery.

Work up that cardio

It’s a great way to cram in some more physical activity to your day. A hike to the top always works up the cardio.


Being at the highest point really helps you get your bearings of a new place – and might also lead you to your next potential stop!

Photo Ops

High points make for great photo opportunities. Take a snap of the world below – with tiny little towns or mountains rolling out for miles, either one makes for a great photo!


Whenever we hit the top of a peak, we like to flashback to Mufasa and Simba having their little chat on Pride Rock. But whatever crosses your mind as you look out across the world, you’re sure to get a huge sense of perspective and humility for the amazing world in which we live.

Potential Camping Spots

On the hike, keep a look out for potential camping spots! And if you can’t find any on the hike up, you’ll certainly be able to spot some good ones from the peak.

Wildlife Opportunities

You might even run into some of the local wildlife as your make your way to the top!

Bragging Rights

The higher you go, the bigger the brag…

Picnic Spot

Make sure to take a lunch with you on the hike – the views from the top will make for an awesome backdrop as you tuck into your edible goodies!

You’ll deserve a nice cold beer by the end

Enough said?

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