Perfect Peru

Peru is famous for its Incan heritage, ancient sites, mad mountain ranges and dense rain forests. It truly is a country that will blow your socks off in terms of sights to see. From Rainbow Mountain, to the famous Machu Picchu, to paradisaical beaches…Peru shapes up to be a pretty perfect destination. Here are BackHackers’ favourite places to visit in Peru…

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu can be found nestled within the Andes mountains, looming over the Urubamba River valley. Mystery surrounds its former use, which dates back to construction in the 15th century. Head here for stunning views of craftsmanship and architecture as well as awesome panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

Rainbow Mountain

The area has many names, ranging from Vinicunca, or Winikunka to Montaña de Siete Colores, Montaña de Colores or Rainbow Mountain. With an elevation of 5200 m and all the colours of the spectrum, it’s easy to see why this mountain attracts thousands of visitors a year. Head here for some out of the world views of the crazy coloured mountain.

Playas de la Costa Verde

Located in Lima, the beaches of Costa Verde stretch across the districts of Miraflores, Chorrillos, Barranco, San Miguel, Magdalena del Mar and San Isidro. With more than 20 beaches, the area provides a perfect environment for surfers with its optimal combination of waves and wind. Head to this strip for dolphin spotting and surfing, set against beautiful cliff side backdrops.

La Merced

The town of La Merced can be found nestled between the Andes and the Amazon. If you’re heading here, make sure to do so between June and September when there are a range of local celebrations and festivals (such as Selvamonos). Explore the town’s parks and squares or head to view points like Mirrador Cerro La Cruz – and don’t miss the hilltop views of the Chanchamayo River.

Titicaca Lake

Lake Titicaca sits across both Peru and Bolivia. It is one of the largest lakes in South America and is the highest navigable body of water in the world. Titicaca has a mystical beginning and is said to be the birth place of the Incas. It holds a number of ruins as well as rare water-based wildlife, such as giant frogs!

Carretera a Pastoruri

Pastoruri glacier sits at an elevation of 4955 m and can be found in the Ancash region of Northern Peru. The glacier can be found within Huascaran National Park and can be accessed via the road (Carretera a Pastoruri). Take a drive on the gravel up to the stunning glacier for absolutely awe-inspiring views of the surrounding area.

Parón Lake

Parón Lake sits at an elevation of 4185 m and is the largest within the Cordillera Blana, in the Peruvian Andes. Head here for some excellent climbing spots – including the famous ‘Sphinx’ at a whopping 5325 m, providing more than 13 big wall routes. This is also a great lake to catch the views of the looming mountains behind, such as Aguja, Aguja II, Aguja III, Caraz, Chacracraju and Huandoy.

Valley and Colca Canyon

The Colca Canyon can be found in southern Peru. It is the country’s third most-visited tourist destination due to its amazing views, pre-Inca roots and stunning rock formations. The canyon has a depth of 3270 m and is one of the deepest in the world. 

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