Pinkest Places On Earth

Pink is said to be the colour of universal love – it denotes sweetness, romance, kindness and candyfloss…but you can also find it all over the world! Here are BackHackers’ list of the pinkest places on Earth!

Laguna Rosa, Torrevieja, Spain

This gorgeous looking lake can be found in Torrevieja, Spain. The water is so pink due to the presence of pigments in a type of bacteria called halobacteria (which can survive in extreme conditions). Although we’ve used the word ‘bacteria’ here, don’t be put off! The salt lake is perfectly safe to swim and bathe in. In fact, the salinity level is so high that you can float right on the surface of the water, happily bobbing along in all the pinky goodness!

Positano, Salerno, Italy

Positano is a beautiful Italian village sat on a cliffside along the Amalfi Coast. Follow the Sentiero degli Dei hiking trail (which links Positano to other coastal towns) for a great view of this perfectly pink town.

Lelystad, Netherlands

The Netherlands is home to some of the most beautiful tulip fields in the world – many of them sporting a range of brightly coloured blooms. Our favourites are the pink ones – they look like a meadow of candy floss (if only)!

Barcelona, Spain

The cosmopolitan Capital is home to some absolutely breathtaking architecture. After checking out all the Gothic aesthetics, head down town for a little pink pick-me-up in the form of this cute neighbourhood.

Högakustenbron, Sweden

Check out the Veda Bridge (also known as The High Coast Bridge) which towers over the river Ångermanälven. Head here as the sun sets for the pinkest views around!

Shanghai, China

This city gets its glow on at night – being one of the brightest cities in China! Sunset here means the start of the nightlong pinky radiance from the neon lights along the streets.

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