Planet-Friendly Travel

Travelling is amazing. Seeing the world is amazing. But we also need to protect the planet while we do so. Here are some top tips to achieve planet-friendly travel – exploring the world while still looking after it!

Cut Down On Your Plastic

There are plenty of ways to cut down on your plastics while travelling – such as using sustainably-produced bags, using solid toiletries instead of those packaged in plastic and taking a reusable water bottle. Take a look at our Sustainable Travel Products post for more information.

Pack Light

You don’t exactly want to be hauling a heavy suitcase behind you while travelling, so make sure your backpack is lightweight and that you have packed as little as possible. Every little counts when flying as the heavier the plane, the more carbon emissions produced. We only wish everyone would think of this when travelling – instead of over crowding their carry-on bags.


There’s no need for a taxi for one – use public transport! Not only will your wallet thank you for this, but so will the environment. And it’s a great chance to meet new people and find out things about the area! You should also try to travel via bus/train as much as possible and avoid unnecessary flights! This is a great way to see the country from the ground too…especially places you would miss from the air.

Local Produce

Now, here’s a chance to give back to the community you’re visiting: by buying locally produced items. From food to beer, buying local is great for the community and the environment – as the produce will have been supplied locally as opposed to being transported in.

Avoid Unnecessary Luxuries

If staying in a hotel or hostel remember to be respectful. Turn off your lights, heating and ACs when they’re not needed. And avoid having linens and towels changed unless absolutely necessary.

Carbon-Offset Trips

There are plenty of companies out there providing carbon-offset travels. For example, have a luxury ski holiday with Swiss-based company Lagom while off-setting your carbon footprint. Even when booking, the website offers a calculation of your carbon footprint with each additional item added to your holiday so you are aware of how much of an impact you’re having. This is a great way to learn how to curb your footprint while also enjoying a holiday of a lifetime!

Visit Eco-Tourism Sites

Ecotourism is a form of travel whereby, instead of mass-tourists spots, visitors journey to more remote and undisturbed natural areas. The idea is to achieve sustainable tourism where a positive impact can be made on the location you are visiting. If trying to travel sustainably, make sure you are considering the impact of your transportation, accommodation, shopping, food and drink and activities.

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