Sustainable Travel Products

There are so many small ways in which, every day, we can help cut down on our disposable plastics usage – and that’s no different if you’re travelling. Here are some great ideas for travellers (and also great gifts for your travel-obsessed buddy!)…

Non-Plastic Travel Bags

These include taking an alternative to the plastic toiletries bags handed out at airports, as well as bags used for laundry, storage and your entire backpack! Plenty of options are out there to ensure you are using sustainable and planet-friendly products such as organic bags or backpacks made from recycled materials!

Plastic-Free Sanitary Products

Think reusable and your main contenders are the moon cup or washable period pants. These will not only save space in your pack but also cut down on your plastic wastage!

Shampoo Bars/Solid Perfume/Solid Toothpaste

Not only helping you get through security with less liquids to worry about, but also normally sold in non-plastic packaging. The solid toiletry options also seem to last a little longer than their liquid counterparts as you tend to use less given their solid state.

Reusable Water Bottles

To make sure you’re not constantly purchasing disposable plastic bottles, take your own reusable water bottle – preferably made from recycled materials! Customise it how you want and maybe even get a little attachment so you never lose this baby!

Eco-Friendly Travel Towel

There are plenty of options available on the market for organic or eco-friendly towels that are well made and also will save space in your pack!

Organic / Earth-Friendly Clothing

Buy items that will last you a long time – they’ll be put to the test on your travels! But also ensure they are sustainably produced. Loads of pop up clothing companies have emerged in recent years that provide clothing made from recycled materials but also look awesome!

Solar Powered Devices

For example, why not take a solar powered charger or speaker! If you’re travelling somewhere tropical, you’re bound to get loads of sun to charge all your goodies!

Bamboo Toothbrush

These will last you a whole lot longer than your disposable plastic toothbrush! Plus when you do need to throw it away, it’s 100% biodegradable. There’s no reason not to!

Reusable Straw

Make sure to cut down on your disposable plastics with this bad boy! Easy to clean – normally coming with their own tube brush – you can pick whichever colour or pattern you desire! Great way to customise your travels and also save the planet just a little.

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1 thought on “Sustainable Travel Products

  1. Great list guys, the reusable water bottles is a massive one we need to overcome. The bamboo brushes are a great idea!

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