The Best Of Bolivia

Bolivia is a country with a lot to offer: from the amazing Andes to world famous salt flats! Here is BackHackers’ list comprising of the Best Bits of Bolivia you simply have to visit…

Uyuni Salt Flat

Within the Andes lies Salar de Uyuni – the world’s largest salt flat. In its younger years it was a prehistoric lake that has since dried up leaving an absolutely huge (nearly 11,000 sq-km) area of freaky out-of-this-world desert landscape! This (deceased) lake is a super popular setting for all kinds of film and photography! Head here to see some cheeky flamingos – they’ll probably stand out against the white backdrop!


The Altiplano, Collao or Andean Plateau, shares itself between Bolivia, Peru, Chile and Argentina – although the bulk of it is in Bolivia. It’s the broadest area of high plateau on the planet, outside of Tibet, and is where the Andes are at their widest.

Tupiza River Valley

Tupiza River Valley is full of these beautiful red rocks that scatter across Bolivia’s landscape. Walking trails can be followed up Cerro Corazón de Jesús and Cerro La Cruz for aerial views of Tupiza (the town below).


Chacaltaya is a mountain in the Cordillera Real (one of the mountain ranges of the Cordillera Oriental, part of the Andes) and sits at an elevation of 5,421 meters. 

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is not only one of South America’s largest lakes, but also the world’s highest navigable body of water. Apparently the birthplace of the Incas, head here for tonnes of amazing ruins – and maybe even the sighting of some of the rare wildlife…such as giant frogs!

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