
Thousands upon thousands of travellers venture across Asia in search of the perfect travel adventure every year. But there is so much to explore – how on Earth does anyone

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Hiking the mountains is a great way to immerse yourself in the natural landscape whilst pushing yourself to the limit! Some mountains are easier to climb than others…for many different

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Monday morning is our favourite time to daydream about a far away paradise…with crystal clear waters teaming with fish, underwater worlds to discover, and sandy beaches to laze around on

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The Maldives is an island nation based in South Asia, found within the Arabian Sea. Whenever we see photos of this place, we instantly wish we were there – with

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India is a pretty incredible country – home to a huge array of diverse terrain. It includes landscapes from the Himalayan peaks to paradisaical beaches along the Indian Ocean coast.

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Pink is said to be the colour of universal love – it denotes sweetness, romance, kindness and candyfloss…but you can also find it all over the world! Here are BackHackers’

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Arguably the most famous of ‘trodden paths’ in our classic backpacking route series, the Banana Pancake Trail (BPT) weaves through the hot spots of South East Asia. Its appetising name

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This wonderful Capital of Japan is a city that lends itself both to the future and the past – with a perfect blend of the super modern and the historic.

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Asia is one of the top destinations for travellers, backpackers and tourists alike. With its vibrant landscapes, rich cultures, abundance of diverse architecture and craftsmanship, it’s not hard to see

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Swimming with sharks is at the top of a lot of peoples’ Bucket List…but how can you guarantee you’re going to pick the best location?! Here at BackHackers, we have

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Although there are many more than 7 seas in the world, the term ‘Seven Seas’ refers to simply the largest bodies of water on the planet. Despite this being an

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