Interview Series:

Packing Up The 9-5 To Go Backpacking

Everyone’s thought about it…staring out of the office window on a sunny day and looking out to the horizon (or as far as your eyes can take you), wondering what it would be like to be out in the real world instead of under the less than sanitary air conditioning breathing in stuffy hot air all day while Ken makes another office faux par. What would it be like to pack in the 9-5 for a more…adventurous existence? Can it be done? What if you end up making a terrible mistake?!…Can you really live the dream and break free of the hum drum?

We wanted to find out what the biggest challenges could be packing in the 9-5 to go backpacking. So we’ve asked none other than ex-office bound IT guru, Dan, about his transition from overtime at the office to amazing adventures.

1. At what point, or what specific event made you realise that you wanted to turn your dream into a reality?

My girlfriend was in a similar situation, wanting to pack it in. So having someone to jump in at the deep end with was important. That was probably a big factor. Once we put a date in our minds for handing in our notices, it was a big turning point for actually making it real. We’d also started saving money which made it more material, rather than a pipe dream.

2. What was the scariest thing leaving the safety of the 9-5?

The security of the job and financial aspects I suppose are the 2 biggest concerns for most people, as they were for me. We jumped straight into a ski season to begin with so there wasn’t much time to actually worry. We had also saved up quite a lot so we had a decent safety net underneath us in case anything happened.

3. What have you done since leaving the hum drum?

We did our first ski season in St Anton, Austria, then backpacked through Mexico for 6 months, did a second winter season in France and we’ve just returned from a summer season in Greece. So we’ve really never looked back.

4. Is there anything you would go back and tell your office self?

Save more money. No not really, it would be to worry less. We do indeed live in a small world. A flight home from anywhere around the planet is only 24 hours away, maximum, if anything was to go wrong. Also to buy better walking shoes.

5. What are the biggest changes you’ve experienced since embarking on your new life?

My outlook. My outlook on not taking things for granted. To say yes to as many experiences and opportunities as possible. And probably becoming less materialistic because there’s only so much you can fit in a rucksack. I don’t like to preach to people but the old adage is true, travel does indeed broaden the mind.

6. List your 3 essential travel items you couldn’t live without.

A hammock, a surprisingly versatile item. It can be packed away and compacted easily so it doesn’t take up a lot of room. My other items would be my Go Pro and a good pair of sunglasses.

7. What are your plans next?

We’re about to embark on our third winter season in Verbier, Switzerland. I can’t wait to get back out on the snow. On a longer term basis, I hope to be working for myself running a website and keeping up the travel.

8. Do you think you will ever go back to office work?

For the right money anything is possible. I wouldn’t say I disliked the office at the time but I am very happy travelling and doing seasonal work at this point in my life.

9. Is your lifestyle sustainable?

Yes. This third season is, surprisingly, going to be paying almost as much as the office based work did. So the earning potential is there. Although seasons are just a temporary 5 or 6 months, it makes for a fun change every half year. We didn’t know these things to begin with but it just shows it pays to do your research and talk to as many people as you can when you’re out there. You never know where a connection may lead.

10. Do you have any regrets?


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Packing Up The 9-5 To Go Backpacking

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