Interview Series:

A First Time Summer Season

Working seasons is a huge thing. Whether it’s a gap year filler or a full time career, season work is all around and once you’re in the club, jobs are easy to find. But how do you get in the club…?

We wanted to know what it would be like to work a summer season for the first time. So we’ve asked Jodie, who has just completed her first season in Greece, how she got the job, what kind of challenges she faced and how she found her 4 months abroad…

1. What were your expectations of a summer season in Greece?

Because Greece was my first season, I really didn’t know what to expect. I knew we wouldn’t just be swimming and lounging around in the sun all day and that we would have to work quite hard, so I went in with a completely open mind.

2. How did you come across the job and how did you apply?

I did a lot of research. I always wanted to go to Greece so I knew the destination and just researched different jobs there. I knew I didn’t want to be a rep, so from a lot of researching I stumbled upon a resort which sounded like the whole package and applied for a few of their front of house roles (as that’s what I had experience in).

From there I had a telephone interview, then a face to face interview and got the job!

3. Did you manage to experience all of the perks of the job? E.g. use of water sports etc.

I experienced all the perks of the job. We were able to use all the water sports for free – the first few months was super exciting being able to learn to windsurf, sail and paddle board. Because the beginning of season was a lot quieter, we were encouraged to use the facilities as much as possible out of peak season.

The only thing I wish I got to do more of was water skiing and wake boarding. We had to pay to use those facilities because of the petrol consumption. Although we did still get it at a discounted price, I just never got round to doing it.

4. What were your highlights of the season?

There are so many! It was such an incredible season! I think one of the biggest highlights were the people. I met such incredible people, it wasn’t cliquey or anything like that which you might get in normal jobs (with people not wanting to be there and not pulling their weight etc.), we all were there for the same reason and got out of it what you put in.

Another highlight was days off… obviously! We were able to use staff cars, so were able to drive around the island which was only an hour from side to side. We managed to pretty much do everything on the island. My two favourite days off were going to Keri Beach (where we rented a boat, drove it ourselves around turtle island, dropped anchor when we wanted a swim).

My other was when we had a Land Rover, made up a picnic and drove to the highest point on the island (we definitely needed a Landy to get there). As well as the beautiful scenery and swimming in the Ionian Sea, it was the people who made my days off.

5. What were the biggest challenges of the season?

I think the biggest challenge would have been going in the first place. I didn’t know anyone before going, I had never been to Greece before and I didn’t have huge experience of the job, so everything was new and a huge challenge but it was so rewarding! And now I have friends for life!

6. Is there anything you would change about your summer season?

I wouldn’t change a thing! We had our ups and downs on the season, which is pretty normal with any job, but good or bad it’s all a learning experience so I wouldn’t change a thing.

7. Is there anything you wished you’d packed but didn’t?

I just wish I’d packed more of everything. We were only given 20kg of luggage which just isn’t enough when you’re going away for 4 months! I thought I took everything but I just wish I took more, like toiletries and the moisturiser that I love, hair oil etc.

I wish I took more bikinis and summer clothes because we were swimming most days and you quickly get over the things you have when you’re wearing them a few times a week.

8. What would your tips be for someone looking to do a summer season?

I would just say have fun, don’t take anything too seriously, do your job and make the absolute most of where you are and what you have on your doorstep.

9. Did you learn anything new during your season?

I learned a lot of new things, I was employed as a waitress but I was doing a bit of everything! When we first arrived, we set up the club so were painting the decks, weeding the gardens and things like that.

Then after set up, I was working in the cafe making coffees, waitressing, running food and drinks, working in the bar. We pretty much got put wherever we were needed but I quite liked having a range of duties, where it gave me more experience.  

10. Would you work another summer season in the future?

100%, however I wouldn’t go to the same place because what fun is the same place twice when there is so many amazing places to go?!

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A First Time Summer Season

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