Hike To The Top To Make Your Jaw Drop

Whenever you find yourself in a new place, it’s always great to get your bearings as soon as possible. A great way to do this is by finding the highest point and climbing to the … Continue reading “Hike To The Top To Make Your Jaw Drop”

Classic Backpacking Routes: The Mexican Chilli

Mexico is one of our favourite travel destinations here at BackHackers. Perched between the U.S. and South America, Mexico is a perfect mixture of ancient history, rich culture, brightly coloured buildings, great food and gorgeous … Continue reading “Classic Backpacking Routes: The Mexican Chilli”

Incredible India

India is a pretty incredible country – home to a huge array of diverse terrain. It includes landscapes from the Himalayan peaks to paradisaical beaches along the Indian Ocean coast. Full of history, rich in … Continue reading “Incredible India”

7 Hot Spots in Central America

There are 7 countries that make up Central America: El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. So here are 7 of BackHackers’ top Hot Spots that need to be on your travel … Continue reading “7 Hot Spots in Central America”

8 Sensations of South America

South America is a totally unique continent that encompasses an absolutely massive range of diverse landscapes, natural beauty, wildlife, scenery and people. There are so many amazing things to cram into your travel list, it’s … Continue reading “8 Sensations of South America”

Come To Cuba

Havana oh na na…not that anyone would blame you if you left your heart there! And there’s more to Cuba than just the colourful Havana – gorgeous beaches, world famous diving spots and lush forests! … Continue reading “Come To Cuba”

Visit Venezuela

Home to a wide range of natural beauty, Venezuela is one of South America’s most diverse countries in terms of landscapes. With its Caribbean coast boasting tropical paradises and the Andes Mountains looming in the … Continue reading “Visit Venezuela”

Chilling in Chile

Chile offers some of the most diverse terrain in the world – all packed into one beautiful country. From the Andes, to National Parks, vibrant cities and vast deserts, Chile certainly has a lot on … Continue reading “Chilling in Chile”

Nuts About Brazil

Brazil is a pretty incredible country – home to some absolutely gorgeous landscapes, stunning beaches and the tastiest sounding mountain in the world (Sugar Loaf…if you hadn’t heard). Did you know that it is also … Continue reading “Nuts About Brazil”

The Best Of Bolivia

Bolivia is a country with a lot to offer: from the amazing Andes to world famous salt flats! Here is BackHackers’ list comprising of the Best Bits of Bolivia you simply have to visit… Uyuni … Continue reading “The Best Of Bolivia”

Amazing Argentina

Don’t cry for me Argentina…because I’m booking a flight right now! Here’s a short list of BackHackers’ favourite places that can be found in one of South America’s most amazing countries! Iguazu Falls Take it … Continue reading “Amazing Argentina”

Canada: Wonderful Water

Canada is full of awe-inspiring National Parks, jaw-dropping landscapes and natural beauty that is incomparable to anywhere else on Earth. Sometimes trying to work out where to go is a bit overwhelming…simply because there are … Continue reading “Canada: Wonderful Water”

USA: Best National Parks

The USA is home to a huge amount of National Parks that provide areas in which natural beauty can be preserved and protected. Given that the States span across such a vast amount of land, … Continue reading “USA: Best National Parks”

East Coast Australia’s Top 14

East Coast Australia has long been a well-trodden route for travellers. And there’s no prizes for guessing why – this part of the world is home to some of the most amazing natural landscapes, wildlife … Continue reading “East Coast Australia’s Top 14”

Interview Series:

A First Time Snow Boarder & Seasonaire

We all know about seasons by now, and that if you go out to work there you must be an absolute mountain pro. But what if you’ve never been on a ski holiday? What if … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A First Time Snow Boarder & Seasonaire” →

The A to Z of Winter Season Living

We take you through the A to Z’s of winter season living. A – awe inspiring views. Let’s not forget you get to live in a mountain range for half a year! You’re in for … Continue reading “The A to Z of Winter Season Living”

9 Reasons to Switch From Skis to Board

If you’ve ever been to a ski resort, you may have noticed that there are a lot more skiers than snowboarders out there. But times are changing and the number of boarders on the mountains … Continue reading “9 Reasons to Switch From Skis to Board”

A Day in the Life of a Chalet Host

Although it can be a commonplace conception that Chalet Hosts on season aren’t always there for the job, it certainly makes life easier to simply get the job done to a good standard, and keep … Continue reading “A Day in the Life of a Chalet Host”

A Budget-Wise Pedestrian Pass to St Anton

A ski holiday is pretty self-explanatory and most of the time will be spent on the slopes. But what if you’re not too keen on whizzing yourself down a black run at 70kmh? Well, there’s … Continue reading “A Budget-Wise Pedestrian Pass to St Anton”