Interview Series: How To Be A Non-Skier In Verbier

Ah Verbier, a world class ski resort known for its vast areas of off-piste, great apres ski and mountain dining experiences like no other. But…does it have anything on offer for those who either don’t … Continue reading “Interview Series: How To Be A Non-Skier In Verbier”

Incredible India

India is a pretty incredible country – home to a huge array of diverse terrain. It includes landscapes from the Himalayan peaks to paradisaical beaches along the Indian Ocean coast. Full of history, rich in … Continue reading “Incredible India”

Chilling in Chile

Chile offers some of the most diverse terrain in the world – all packed into one beautiful country. From the Andes, to National Parks, vibrant cities and vast deserts, Chile certainly has a lot on … Continue reading “Chilling in Chile”

Amazing Argentina

Don’t cry for me Argentina…because I’m booking a flight right now! Here’s a short list of BackHackers’ favourite places that can be found in one of South America’s most amazing countries! Iguazu Falls Take it … Continue reading “Amazing Argentina”

Interview Series:

A First Time Snow Boarder & Seasonaire

We all know about seasons by now, and that if you go out to work there you must be an absolute mountain pro. But what if you’ve never been on a ski holiday? What if … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A First Time Snow Boarder & Seasonaire” →

A Day in the Life of a Chalet Host

Although it can be a commonplace conception that Chalet Hosts on season aren’t always there for the job, it certainly makes life easier to simply get the job done to a good standard, and keep … Continue reading “A Day in the Life of a Chalet Host”