Post-Pandemic Travel

2020 shook a lot of stuff up for everyone – especially travel. But new year, new mentality: what can we do in this time of reflection and contemplation? Let’s use it to change our travel … Continue reading “Post-Pandemic Travel”

Planet-Friendly Travel

Travelling is amazing. Seeing the world is amazing. But we also need to protect the planet while we do so. Here are some top tips to achieve planet-friendly travel – exploring the world while still … Continue reading “Planet-Friendly Travel”

Eco Up Your Cruise

Cruises are a great travel option for many people who are looking to bunch their destinations into one big catered-for pressie! But as everyone’s consciousness leans further and further towards eco tourism, the cruise industry … Continue reading “Eco Up Your Cruise”

13 Reasons Why Travel Is The Best

Travelling is an amazing opportunity for those who are lucky enough to have it. It opens up so many doors both internally and externally. Here are 13 reasons why we at BackHackers, think travelling is … Continue reading “13 Reasons Why Travel Is The Best”

Sustainable Travel Products

There are so many small ways in which, every day, we can help cut down on our disposable plastics usage – and that’s no different if you’re travelling. Here are some great ideas for travellers … Continue reading “Sustainable Travel Products”