Classic Backpacking Routes: The Banana Pancake Trail

Arguably the most famous of ‘trodden paths’ in our classic backpacking route series, the Banana Pancake Trail (BPT) weaves through the hot spots of South East Asia. Its appetising name originates from the hostels, cafes … Continue reading “Classic Backpacking Routes: The Banana Pancake Trail”

Places You Won’t Believe Exist

This world is amazing. With so many wonders in abundance, you could explore for your entire life and still not get around to everything it’s got to offer…but you can still try! Here are 5 … Continue reading “Places You Won’t Believe Exist”

Interview Series:

How to Move to Switzerland

Sometimes, travelling helps you discover a whole new place you never knew might become the perfect home for you one day. What if you loved being in a place so much you decided to turn … Continue reading “Interview Series:

How to Move to Switzerland” →

Interview Series:

The Low Down on Mexico

Home of the Mariachi bands, Day of the Dead, tequila and sugar skulls: Mexico. You can read as many articles about it as you like, but nothing compares to experiencing a place for real. We … Continue reading “Interview Series:

The Low Down on Mexico” →

Interview Series:

Childcare & Travel

There are plenty of jobs out there that enable you to travel whilst working abroad. Whether it’s computer-based work, hospitality or volunteer jobs, there is something out there for everyone. We wanted to know just … Continue reading “Interview Series:

Childcare & Travel” →

Interview Series:

Travel with a Broken Body

It’s a common sight at any international airport – backpackers roaming around with bags taller than them. You can physically see the pressure of the weight on their legs, which is understandable given that they … Continue reading “Interview Series:

Travel with a Broken Body” →

Christmas Away From Home

Christmas time, for many, is family time. Where all your extended roots and distant relatives get together to celebrate the festive time of year. To some, it is a big deal and a family tradition … Continue reading “Christmas Away From Home”

Where To Go? A Guide to Europe

Europe is a pretty vast continent and can prove overwhelming when trying to select the perfect destination for you.  Here is a quick guide on where to go, based on what you like getting up … Continue reading “Where To Go? A Guide to Europe”

The A-Z’s of Europe

Take a look at this article for some simple go-to facts about great destinations within Europe! Learn about their currency, time status’ and the opportune time to visit… Austria Time difference: GMT + 1 (Central … Continue reading “The A-Z’s of Europe”

Wide Awake in the Midnight Sun

Surprisingly, midnight sun isn’t the latest instalment of the Twilight series, it’s actually a natural phenomenon that involves the sun remaining visible at midnight. It happens in places north of the Arctic Circle or south … Continue reading “Wide Awake in the Midnight Sun”

The Best of the 7 Seas

Although there are many more than 7 seas in the world, the term ‘Seven Seas’ refers to simply the largest bodies of water on the planet. Despite this being an outdated phrase, we are using … Continue reading “The Best of the 7 Seas”

The Pros and Cons of Low Budget Airlines

Everybody loves a bargain – especially when it comes to flights. But making sure you don’t get stung by any hidden charges or costs is key to getting the most out of these airlines. In … Continue reading “The Pros and Cons of Low Budget Airlines”

How to Spend a Day in Budapest

Sometimes planning for a shorter trip is actually much harder than being away for long period of time. It’s almost overwhelming looking into all the sights and activities available and then having to decide which … Continue reading “How to Spend a Day in Budapest”

Gorgeous Gorges in Switzerland

Gorges are a spectacular natural phenomena that always provide jaw dropping views, a roaring soundtrack of crashing water and a great way to spend a day hiking…without actually realising you’re hiking! There are many gorges … Continue reading “Gorgeous Gorges in Switzerland”

Interview Series:

A Couple and Their Van

The ideal holiday changes drastically from person to person. Some prefer 5 star hotels, others prefer camping and some even prefer staycations. But what if you could visit your favourite remote location at the same … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A Couple and Their Van” →

Bucket List Journeys:

Route 66

Many say it’s the ultimate road trip. Route 66 is a historical route across the USA that takes you from northern-central United States in Chicago to the west coast in Los Angeles. This classic route … Continue reading “Bucket List Journeys:

Route 66″ →

Best Smart Phones for Travelling

Smart phones are getting smarter. And you really can afford to leave everything else at home and just bring an all singing all dancing handset. Even your wallet can be online these days! So why … Continue reading “Best Smart Phones for Travelling”

Interview Series:

A First Time Summer Season

Working seasons is a huge thing. Whether it’s a gap year filler or a full time career, season work is all around and once you’re in the club, jobs are easy to find. But how … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A First Time Summer Season” →

Interview Series:

2 Honeymooners in New Zealand

Honeymoon destinations are aplenty these days – with so many options depending on what kind of newly wed holiday you’re after. But how do you decide which is right for you and your spouse?!  New … Continue reading “Interview Series:

2 Honeymooners in New Zealand” →

Interview Series:

Ellie & Joanna, 12 Months of Snow

There may be 4 seasons of the year but it’s likely you’ll only have 1 as your favourite. Whether it’s the blossoms of spring or the ambers of autumn, there’s something special about each of … Continue reading “Interview Series:

Ellie & Joanna, 12 Months of Snow” →

The Truth of Travel

“Always Remember: Travelling can be whatever you want it to be!” – BackHackers Travelling is plastered everywhere these days: on posters, social media and product placement. But don’t let other peoples’ perception of travel outline … Continue reading “The Truth of Travel”

10 Reasons to Ditch the Comfort Zone

It’s easy to keep it safe when you travel, not only in terms of destinations but also the kind of things you get up to while you’re away. We strongly advise against this! Travelling is, … Continue reading “10 Reasons to Ditch the Comfort Zone”

East Coast Australia’s Top 14

East Coast Australia has long been a well-trodden route for travellers. And there’s no prizes for guessing why – this part of the world is home to some of the most amazing natural landscapes, wildlife … Continue reading “East Coast Australia’s Top 14”

Interview Series:

A Couple Who Run Their Own Travel Business

Ah the travel industry, what a glorious occupation it must be. Always knowing the best top secret destinations, making peoples’ dream holidays become a reality and really knowing your stuff when it comes to places … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A Couple Who Run Their Own Travel Business” →

5 Reasons to Microblade Your Brows for Travel

This article won’t apply to everyone, but if your eyebrows are more faint than fantastic, you might want to consider the below. Here are 5 reasons to microblade your brows before you travel… Smudge Free … Continue reading “5 Reasons to Microblade Your Brows for Travel”

How To Start Your Travels

It’s not hard to have the dream, but it is a very different matter actually executing it. Here are some friendly tips and advice on a few things to consider to help get you started … Continue reading “How To Start Your Travels”

6 Ways to Boost Your Travel Savings

Although travel is all about experiencing new things and maybe even gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us, unfortunately it comes in exchange for money. Whilst the bulk of your savings for travel … Continue reading “6 Ways to Boost Your Travel Savings”

How to Quit Smoking While You Travel

Let’s face it, everyone knows smoking is bad for you. If you feel like you want to quit, travelling provides a perfect environment for you to give it a go. This article sets out a … Continue reading “How to Quit Smoking While You Travel”

Interview Series:

A Reformed City Girl

In this day and age, sometimes it’s difficult to remember what people look like without their usual social media filter or vast amounts of make-up plastered on their face. It must be a total culture … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A Reformed City Girl” →

Interview Series:

A First Time Snow Boarder & Seasonaire

We all know about seasons by now, and that if you go out to work there you must be an absolute mountain pro. But what if you’ve never been on a ski holiday? What if … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A First Time Snow Boarder & Seasonaire” →

Interview Series:

A Couple Who Live, Travel & Work Together

It seems an ideal measure of true love, working and travelling together – and of course continuing to keep that ever so important spark alight. We wanted to find out what it’s like eating, sleeping … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A Couple Who Live, Travel & Work Together” →

The A to Z of Winter Season Living

We take you through the A to Z’s of winter season living. A – awe inspiring views. Let’s not forget you get to live in a mountain range for half a year! You’re in for … Continue reading “The A to Z of Winter Season Living”

The BackHackers Guide to Cleaning & Hygiene

Ever been daydreaming about lounging around on a tropical beach while the sea laps at your feet and your sunkissed skin soaks in the last rays of the day’s sunshine? Yeah, us too… but when … Continue reading “The BackHackers Guide to Cleaning & Hygiene”

19 Reasons Why Babywipes are Life

Babywipes are fantastic little saviours to take away with you on your travels – they just have so many uses! Here are 19 reasons why you should include them on your packing list… 1. If … Continue reading “19 Reasons Why Babywipes are Life”

Travel Contraception

Whether you’re in a relationship or a travelling single pringle, contraception is a big thing you should think about ahead of travel. Whilst this article is mainly for the girls, boys should pay close attention … Continue reading “Travel Contraception”

9 Reasons to Worship Hairpins While Travelling

These little lifesavers are an absolute must have on your packing list! Not just for their obvious uses but also for more unconventional thinking! They really do come in handy in more ways than you … Continue reading “9 Reasons to Worship Hairpins While Travelling”

9 Reasons to Switch From Skis to Board

If you’ve ever been to a ski resort, you may have noticed that there are a lot more skiers than snowboarders out there. But times are changing and the number of boarders on the mountains … Continue reading “9 Reasons to Switch From Skis to Board”

Packing Tips for Working Abroad

These packing tips are great if you are going to be working abroad temporarily, seasonally or based remotely. Thinking of working abroad and staying put for a longer period of time? Then you have a … Continue reading “Packing Tips for Working Abroad”

The Travellers Bikini

Okay, let’s face it, a bikini is basically a brighter, more water-friendly version of your underwear and it can feel like a lot is on show. So of course you want to look your best … Continue reading “The Travellers Bikini”

11 Things You Might Not Consider Packing… But Should

In this article, we have compiled a list of items you should definitely consider packing for your travels. Some of the items you may have already thought of, but not necessarily for the reasons listed … Continue reading “11 Things You Might Not Consider Packing… But Should”

5 Beauties of Belize

Nestled neatly between Mexico and Guatemala, Belize is home to a rich amount of beauty to discover. The country itself is vast, containing landscapes ranging from dense rainforests and jungles to isolated mountains and caves. … Continue reading “5 Beauties of Belize”

A Quick Stop Over in Barcelona

Stop overs don’t have to be long waits in airports, avoiding purchasing expensive food. If you don’t have any particular time constraints, why not make the most of it? In many circumstances, a stopover could … Continue reading “A Quick Stop Over in Barcelona”

6 Signs You Should be Travelling

Sometimes, it’s just not enough setting your desktop background as your favourite tropical destination. Sometimes, the only thing that will satisfy your urge will be to travel to that place. Travelling means different things to … Continue reading “6 Signs You Should be Travelling”

A Day in the Life of a Chalet Host

Although it can be a commonplace conception that Chalet Hosts on season aren’t always there for the job, it certainly makes life easier to simply get the job done to a good standard, and keep … Continue reading “A Day in the Life of a Chalet Host”

9 Emotions You May Experience While Travelling

When travelling for long periods of time, you will go through all manner of emotions that you may not normally experience. Being away, your highs may be higher and your lows lower. But that is … Continue reading “9 Emotions You May Experience While Travelling”

Interview Series:

A 50+ Solo Cruiser

It’s inevitable, it will happen to us all, at some point we will age. But that doesn’t mean you need to trade in your explorative, adventurous lifestyle. Travel for 50+ needn’t be a worry or … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A 50+ Solo Cruiser” →

Annual Festivals Not to Miss Out on!

At any given moment, there are many exciting events happening all over the world. But if you happen to be heading near any of these destinations at the right time of year, make sure you … Continue reading “Annual Festivals Not to Miss Out on!”

Interview Series:

Packing Up The 9-5 To Go Backpacking

Everyone’s thought about it…staring out of the office window on a sunny day and looking out to the horizon (or as far as your eyes can take you), wondering what it would be like to … Continue reading “Interview Series:

Packing Up The 9-5 To Go Backpacking” →

A Budget-Wise Pedestrian Pass to St Anton

A ski holiday is pretty self-explanatory and most of the time will be spent on the slopes. But what if you’re not too keen on whizzing yourself down a black run at 70kmh? Well, there’s … Continue reading “A Budget-Wise Pedestrian Pass to St Anton”

Interview Series:

A Touring Vegan

The Vegan diet has become relatively popular in recent years. Whether you’re jumping on the fad band wagon, have switched up your diet for health reasons, or genuinely care about the protection of both animals … Continue reading “Interview Series:

A Touring Vegan” →

10 Gifts for Travellers

It’s hard isn’t it – trying to find a gift for someone that mainly carries everything in a bag on their back. Those novelty slippers probably won’t make it on their packing list and those … Continue reading “10 Gifts for Travellers”