Africa: 10 Places To Go

Africa is the world’s second-largest continent and is jammed packed with amazing places to discover! There are 54 countries in total located within Africa – now that’s a lot of adventure to be had. But … Continue reading “Africa: 10 Places To Go”

7 Hot Spots in Central America

There are 7 countries that make up Central America: El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. So here are 7 of BackHackers’ top Hot Spots that need to be on your travel … Continue reading “7 Hot Spots in Central America”

8 Sensations of South America

South America is a totally unique continent that encompasses an absolutely massive range of diverse landscapes, natural beauty, wildlife, scenery and people. There are so many amazing things to cram into your travel list, it’s … Continue reading “8 Sensations of South America”

Chilling in Chile

Chile offers some of the most diverse terrain in the world – all packed into one beautiful country. From the Andes, to National Parks, vibrant cities and vast deserts, Chile certainly has a lot on … Continue reading “Chilling in Chile”

Amazing Argentina

Don’t cry for me Argentina…because I’m booking a flight right now! Here’s a short list of BackHackers’ favourite places that can be found in one of South America’s most amazing countries! Iguazu Falls Take it … Continue reading “Amazing Argentina”

Canada: Wonderful Water

Canada is full of awe-inspiring National Parks, jaw-dropping landscapes and natural beauty that is incomparable to anywhere else on Earth. Sometimes trying to work out where to go is a bit overwhelming…simply because there are … Continue reading “Canada: Wonderful Water”

Gorgeous Gorges in Switzerland

Gorges are a spectacular natural phenomena that always provide jaw dropping views, a roaring soundtrack of crashing water and a great way to spend a day hiking…without actually realising you’re hiking! There are many gorges … Continue reading “Gorgeous Gorges in Switzerland”